I started this post several weeks ago. In fact, I have produced not one, but three videos on this subject. Most people are jumping on the opportunity to sell products by the fears that have been triggered by the COVID-19 Operation. However, decisions made in, or through fear leave better choices unsought, examined, and undiscovered, as well as knowledge ungained.
Here’s the first video.
I’m just going to go ahead and say it here. The COVID-19 SCAM is, for all practical purposes, a crime against humanity. The legitimacy of the coronavirus “pandemic” and the recommended, panic-weighted and approved countermeasures that are being taken, rests on whether:
- the risk from the virus is true, and
- whether other, less draconian and disruptive countermeasures are available.
Needless to say, since I’m calling this scenario a SCAM, there are many ways to substantiate it, particularly with respect to identifying both who is “at risk,” and why.
There are many others who can, or will confirm the efficacy of what follows, but I’ve heard no one present this perspective.
Who Is Really “At Risk”?
The CDC has begun running coronavirus commercials on television and in the online video space, with the frequency of pharmaceutical companies, which it is. As a patent holder for many of the viral and bacterial strains that are being catalyzed against humanity, the organization is anything but objective and unbiased in its activity.

Everywhere you turn, there’s a reminder of the “dangers” of COVID-19 and what measures must be taken to avoid them.
The people behind this viral campaign want everyone to feel “at risk” and to follow their ~ the “experts” ~advice. Everyone is not at risk of, or from coronavirus. Even presenting it as a “bioweapon,” supports the idea of equal susceptibility. However, the issue of susceptibility is due to internal, not external factors.
It’s What’s Inside that Counts
People who are most at risk, are those who have already compromised and disrupted their immune systems, particularly at the cellular dehydration level, to already be suffering from chronic or degenerative disorders.
We have been trained (via “education”) to see the disorder (effect), but not associate the thinking or behavior that allowed or caused it. When a new crisis arrives from this process, we go full gear into another round of panic and dysfunction-exacerbating activity such as is happening now.
To put it more specifically, the people who are most at risk are that way, not because of the virus, but due to the lowered levels of available oxygen in their systems, as well as a deviation in the normal profile of minerals. The normal mineral profile will affect the consistency and movement of blood, as well as be support for the billions and trillions of microscopic life that maintain and repair the body.
Testing for the presence of the virus, and then earmarking people for more “antiviral” treatment, will result in a further lowering and/or disruption of these biological factors.
Are Less Disruptive or Draconian Options Available?
Indeed they are, but they won’t make you customers of the CDC. One of the first things that one can do, to raise oxygen levels in the body, is to breathe mindfully, and as deeply as you can. We tend to breathe mindlessly, without thought or intent to fully evacuate the lungs of carbon dioxide (CO2), and bring in more oxygen (O2).

While it will be very relaxing, mindful breathing is not about meditation. You will change your body chemistry as you bring more oxygen into the system, as well as reduce stress and tension, which should improve circulation.
To build on that, drink more water. I’d use the word mindfully there too. ALL of the people who are at risk of chronic and degenerative diseases are dehydrated. According to F. Batmanghelidj, M.D., author of Water for Health, for Healing, for Life, sixty-six percent (66%) of dehydration is intracellular, meaning, inside human cells.

The chart above shows the overall distribution of water inside the body. Turns out that sixty-six percent of total water is intracellular too. So two-thirds of the major fluid group is compromised, which affects the entire immune system so subtly, that no one appears to notice.

Dehydration is a condition that doesn’t happen overnight. The body will naturally and automatically attempt to prevent it, because water and its availability is central to health. Therefore, dehydration cannot be mitigated by vaccines, antibacterial, or antiviral remedies.

No amount of washing one’s hands is going to change or improve a dehydration state, particularly where it involves cellular uptake. Only rehydration lowers one’s vulnerability to viral, bacterial, and other adverse health effects.

So you see, the entire list of “must do” actions to lower risk to COVID-19 are actually useless. The body gives us signs to tell us how well it is handling its water resources. Urine color being one.

The color of our urine tells a lot about the condition of the sacred fluid. What does yours say?
Above Suspicion
A significant percentage of the population still takes what the media and government officials say at face value. They are ready to be fearful at the drop of a sound-byte.
It is not my intention to single the COVID-19 operation out as a crime against humanity. It is an operation in an ongoing crime; in fact, a cold, silent, holocaust of our age that has been turned into a sorrowful tradition.
My intention is to help people see it for what it is.